Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I've been feeling pretty good lately and been a tad more positive than I normally am. Yet yesterday I noticed that I am being excluded from groups of friends and their activities. I often can't make it cause of the remoteness of where I live. But as often as I can afford I make the effort to drive out to these so I can join them even if it means I will have very little sleep for the next day of work. I want to hang out with my friends even if I can only do it once every second week. It is something I look forward to and I enjoy.

It feels like that is being taken away from me. It may not be intentional (or it may be *shrugs*) but it does hurt.

I start wondering what I did. Did I offend them? Am I not good enough?
Some people think they are being nice and that they are not hurting my feelings by not telling me. More often than not this makes me feel worse. Be direct tell me what's wrong and at least give me a chance to work on it if it is something I did. If you decide that you don't want to be friends with me anymore just tell me. I will keep my interaction with you to a minimum with you without being rude to you. I do ask though that you are considerate in the same way by not removing me from the whole groups activities which contain other friends of mine as well.